Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Congratulations Shaeler!

Yesterday, we were invited to an award's ceremony for Shaeler's school.  All we knew was that Shae was getting recognized for an award.  As Brian and I drove to the school, we talked about how honored we felt that she was being recognized in some way for all of her hard work this school year.  (Trust me, it was hard work.  I had to sit next to her for ALL of it!)

It was not until the end that Shae was called up and given the highest award that the school gives out.

Shaeler was awarded the Principal's Award. 
She was nominated by her teacher and also principal for this prestigous award.

I was blown away.  I cried and I had a moment and I am one proud mom!

We love you Shaeler!  We ar so proud of all of your hard work, your obedience to your teachers, your kindness to your peers and friends and the sweet spirit you bring as you light up a room! 

Way to go Shae!


Mom of three ♥ said...

Great job, Shae!!

Jenice said...

I am so excited that others are seeing the perfection that I keep bragging about. I know all grandparents are biased, but I now have proof. It is such a blessing to walk this course with your child, but it is even better to be able to cheer from the bleachers. Two, four, six, eight, Shaeler is the one that's great!

Joyce Jones said...
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Joyce Jones said...

Grandma Henrie, Joyce, Lacey and her kids love the picture. We say hurrah for Shaeler. She is a great kid who deserves this honor.

CB said...

Well that is awesome!
She looks so sweet and humble in the picture with her award!


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