Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow!

Well, I finally was able to get the garden in! YAY! I have been waiting for 2 weeks to be able to get my hands in the dirt! I cannot wait for it to all die! j/k

On the side I am going to have a weekly update on my garden and you will see that first everything dies, and then it comes back and flourishes!

We planted 10 small rows of corn, beans, 2 tomatos, brocolli, lettuce, cucembers, peppers and onions. Over in a small garden I have planted a whole bunch of strawberries.

It is small I know, but it is manageable for me. The weeding alone takes about 1-2 hours.

We also attended a meeting last night with the Church's Emergency Response Medical Coordinator, Dr. Susan Pals.

She is THE lady at the church headquarters that handles what the church does in emergencies such as what has happened recently with China, the cyclone, and the volcano in Argentina that has just happened in the past 2 weeks.

She talked to us part of about having our 72 hour kits and food storage. The majority of her talk was about a Pandemic which could hit anytime, possibly the Avian bird flu. It was a little discouraging when we left. If that or any pandemic hits, it is not going to be pretty.

Moral of this story: have your 72 hour kits ready and multiples if you are other places, have at least 3 months of food storage and 2 weeks of water, get your medications stalked up, and most importantly, WASH YOUR HANDS!


JENNIFRO said...

That is so great you got you garden in--good luck! We put ours in last week too. About the rest of the post--a little freaky. Maybe a lot freaky.

Ann Marie said...

Hooray for your gardening!!
You are doing alot of stuff! You guys rock!!

I hate doomsday talk, so yesterday would have been really hard for me to deal with. I feel about 75% prepared, but I stil need a few things. I hope I'm able to get them before any sort of big trial!!


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