Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Something to Ponder!

I read this article this morning and liked it a lot.....

Lowell M. Snow, “Facing the Future with Hope,” Ensign, Dec 2007, 48–51

"It is not just the tyranny of evil that threatens to destroy our hope for the future. At times we may feel that our personal lives are unraveling from the natural consequences of living in a fallen world. The agency of man allows the introduction of chaos into lives that long for order, and nothing can seem more hopeless than the tattered lives of those we love. Can they, or we, ever be rescued? Is there any hope for them, or us? In moments of such despair, the priceless promise of God’s deliverance brings hope to troubled hearts.

Prophets have not only warned the wicked of the calamities that await them, but they have also borne witness that the righteous will be delivered. No prophet has framed it more simply than did President Gordon B. Hinckley in the program for Sister Marjorie Hinckley’s funeral: “It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don’t worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers.”2 President Hinckley’s optimism for the future is rooted in his firm knowledge that the Lord’s promises of deliverance are sure."

No matter what, we always have hope because of the Savior! I can always get up and fight a good fight because I have found happiness in the Gospel! Life is good! Life has hope!


Ann Marie said...

Great quote. It's funny that there have been alot of inspirational quotes and stories posted lately. :)

Me said...

It must be the after school blues or something because alot of people are feeling down. Thanks for the quote, it was good. It really reminds me to put my faith in the lord and to listen to our leaders. They will never steer us wrong


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