Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Serenity Now!

(Underneath my bed!)
Inner Peace.....
(Medicine and spice cabinet)

Serenity now..............
(Cool bins to hold my sugar, flour, powder sugar, rice, nuts and brown sugar)

Inner peace..................
(Coat closet can now be used as a coat closet! Hooray!)

My cup runneth over.............
(Two Words: The Pantry)

Serenity Now.............
(Last but not least, I finally figured out a way to organize those dang plastic bowls and lids)
Look at it!


Mackenzie said...

Your cup runneth over, but luckily your closets and cabinets no longer do!

Joy For Your Journey said...

I saw your blog on Lisa Pulsipher's and having a few extra minutes I thought I would drop by. Gotta say, my first impression was, "I don't think I like people who have clean closets/pantry/shelves." :-) But then I read a few more posts and really enjoyed them. Your tribute to your husband was very sweet. Is he on the high council? I was just wondering why he was speaking in another ward.

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

I have been organizing cabinets and closets too. It feels great. Serenity now- Yes, I agree.

jill said...

I am SO impressed with your organizing talents and your motivation to do it! Isn't that the best feeling?! Your spaces look great!

Good work!!

CB said...

Oh how I love your clean organized life! You may never come to my house - LOL J/K!!

Ann Marie said...

Yay! Yay! Yay!
I am SOOO proud of you!
I can't imagine anything under your bed before.. because you are just a clean girl anyways.. but I have peeked at your pantry before.. and the improvements are AMAZING. You go girl. :)

Oh and.. my house will NOT be immaculate this weekend. I will just take clean right now. Seriously.

Unknown said...

i hate you and your pretty little plastic lids too!

ha ha!

go you--that's gotta' feel so good! how did you do all that and not get so overwhelmed? you are amazing!

Carrie said...


{Mo} said...

What a busy little girlie you've been! My pantry needs some SERIOUS help....it'son my list, but unfortunately it's been there for quite some time!
Where did you find the cool bins for the sugar, flour etc? I likey :)

Heather said...

I have to agree with you, everything looks beautiful. You did a great job. Way to go.

I do the same thing with my lids and containers. It is so much more easier.

JENNIFRO said...

THIS IS A PLEASURE TO SEE!!!! I love getting organized and am getting closer...but still so far. I need those containers for sugar, flour etc. Where'd you get those!?


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