Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Things that have made me giggle lately......Part 3

Dancing around our family room to new Christmas songs I downloaded to my Ipod! My favorite song right now is "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." by Sarah McLachlan

Going to Shae's Christmas performance and having to sit WWAAYY in the back. Scaring some people around me by saying "I know I brought the kid, but I don't see her." Then they gave me a chair to stand on.

Shae after her Christmas performance in her Santa Hat 3 times too small for her head.

I cut my hair off and I am training with Alan again!! HOORAY!

The new family of bears that have decided to reside in our Christmas tree! Thank you Christy!! We love them and Shae loves to play with them!

No Empty Chairs 12 Days of Christmas!
It's just getting better from here!


The Dorsey's said...

1. I love your hair!!
2. I think I found Shae in the school performance picture...maybe...

I have always loved the way you decorate your tree, it is so very beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful 12 days of Christmas.

Ann Marie said...

I love that song too! :)

Your hair looks good!

Can't wait to see your 12 days!

Renee Hill said...

It is good to have you back!!! You will never be invisible to me!! Your spirit glows wherever you are.

Merry Christmas!!

Clarke and Kamie said...

cute hair! you and shae match!

Heather said...

This past Sunday we heard the story behind "I heard the Bells on Christmas day."

The guy who wrote it was suffering from losing his wife to a tragic accident she had while sealing an envelope. Her dress caught on fire and she was severely burned. He also was on the verge of losing one of his sons but he found solace in writing the song. I will always look at that song differently now.


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